Inward/Outward Clearance

Inward Clearance is an operation which should be performed for the vessels calling in Iranian Ports & terminals minimum 72 hours before arrival. To initiate inward clearance operations, application letters requesting “inward clearance” should be sent to Customs Guard Headquarter, Sea- Ports Branch Directorate, General Directorate of Health For Border and Coastal Areas.

This procedure is carrying out by our branch officers & above mentioned official bodies and our Representative goes on board for the required inward clearance operations either at anchorage or at berth.

Outward Clearance is an operation which should be performed when vessels completed her Loading/Discharging & bounded for any other port. Same procedures are to be applied as it was mentioned above in Inward Clearance. Officials (Authorities) performs this time Outward Clearance & issue Port Clearance and converts vessel status into ready to departure.

All above operations is continuously monitored by IRAN WATERWAY head office / operations manager to minimize vessels stay in port/terminal.

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